Package org.jdrupes.vmoperator.runner.qemu
package org.jdrupes.vmoperator.runner.qemu
ClassDescriptionA component that handles the communication with an agent running in the VM.The Class CdMediaController.The Enum TrayState.A command definition.The configuration information from the configuration file.Subsection “cloud-init”.The Class Display.Subsection “drive”.Subsection “network”.Subsection “spice”.Subsection “vm”.A (sub)component that updates the console status in the CR status.The Class CpuController.The Class DisplayController.A component that handles the communication with the guest agent.A component that handles the communication with QEMU over a socket.A component that handles the communication over the Qemu monitor socket.The Class RamController.The Runner is responsible for managing the Qemu process and optionally a process that emulates a TPM (software TPM).Updates the CR status.Updates the CR status.A component that handles the communication over the vmop agent socket.